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So I went down to this bar right? And I was going MAAAAAAADDD, I mean , I was going HEEEEEEEEYYYYY, it was quite funny.
Then I went to this other bar, and saw this vomit on my shoe...Then I vomited on myself, I was quite drunk, and I was just thinking "Get UUUPP and get CRAZYYYYYYYY" thinking it would be RUDE no to.

So that was quite funny.
I met this girl on the dance floor, she told me she was going to Chicago; I congratulated her. Later I found out it was Chicago The Musical, not the actual city, which was OK, I never liked the Highlands.

There was this guy there drinking and dancing which was a ridiculous thing to do in a place like that and he was with my ex, guess he was the GOD that she called for when she was cumming with me in bed, can you imagine, screaming another guy's name, Oh God, Oh God... Bitch.
At this point I was still wearing my shirt and jacket, my pants were long gone and I had to leave my shoes at the door, did I mention I was quite drunk?
Anyways, nothing could've prepared me for what was coming next.

She asked me if Iwas Gay, What gave it away, the guy i was blowing or the guy i was jerking off?

Anyway e sent them away and composed myself.


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