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EPISODE 1 - The writing is on the wall
We start this episode with images of London streets being displayed from inside a car until the car reaches my drive way. The music can be something by the top band today, I personally liked that vampire guy from the X FACTOR, but he can only sing opera or cover songs.I know, you've seen it in the Sopranos; but it was either that or an introduction like Boston Legal -and i can't really fly an helicopter for the aerial shots, i can't even ride a bike for that matter.

I finished my book today.It was the best three months of my life; for the first time I accomplished something, other than being borne, and now I can make some money out of it.Or so I thought. I took my manuscript to the publishing agent.This was our conversation.

Pub: What's it about?
Me: It's an epic story in the future
Pub: Is the story, Victorian?
Me: No. It's in the future.
Pub: A Victorian future?
Me: No.
Pub: Is it a Drama?
Me: It has drama, yes.
Pub: Are there any families with secrets?
Me: Sort of.
Pub: Can those secrets bring down a family or a town?
Me: I guess.
Pub: Let me ask you something; is your book boring?
Me: Not at all.
Pub: I'm sorry, we only publish period books.
Me: My book is period, future period.
Pub: does it have horses?
Me: What's the point of riding a horse in the future?
Pub: It could be a robot horse.

I must say he got me there.Well, long story short, i didn't manage to sell my script to that Publisher, which in the end might have been a good thing.I mean, period novels really bore me, what's so important about being Ernest anyway?Well, there's always that Ernest Goes to camp movie, but I stop there.

But in the guy's defense, all the book advertising i see outdoors has something to do with family secrets or cheating husbands. Maybe i should write something like that, set in the, after that sorry episode I had to move on, so I wrote seven query letters to different publishing agents, I'm still waiting for their response, did you know they even ask for a self addressed envelope? I'm surprised we don't have to read to them as well.So, here i am waiting for some response.

If all the letters fail to please them, I'm thinking of writing a final letter, which i will place on top of my nightstand, so that my girlfriend finds it before seeing me hanging in the bathroom.It's not easy being a unpublished writer, I tell you that.You have to quit your job, your girlfriend has to support you, you're all day in your boxer shorts and bath robe drinking coffee and smoking, sitting around waiting for ideas, watch T.V, play PlayStation, not any one's dream as you can see.

My girlfriend says my ideas are ridiculous, like writing about astronaut nuns in the nexus of the Universe is ridiculous.What does she know anyway, She teaches English Literature at Oxford University.Oh, well, we must carry on and never give up. Live the dream and all that shit. Hopefully, I'll see you later.


Anonymous said...

Eh pah, FUOOOODAASSS! Este texto é teu? Tá mt bem escrito ouve lá, fartei-e de rir com o diálogo. A sério, tá fenomenal, que inveja de não conseguir escrever humor assim no papel. Se fosse a ti ia por esse caminho a seguir. Humor com o teu sarcamo pode ser priceless. só te falta inventar aquela personagem, o teu Ian Malcom if u know what i mean.

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